The Impacts of the Gordie Howe International Bridge on a Community

The Gordie Howe International Bridge – currently under construction – is a 167-acre suspension bridge spanning .53 miles, which is the longest main span of any cable-stayed bridge in North America. The impacts of the construction and future operations of the bridge in the Delray area in Southwest Detroit are formidable. Finding ways to assist businesses and residents and keep the community healthy and sustainable while a once-in-a-lifetime infrastructure project like this occurs has been the focus of several community groups. SBN Detroit spoke with Simone Sagovac, project director at the Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition, and Laura Chavez-Wazeerud-Din, president and CEO of the Southwest Detroit Business Association, who are leading initiatives in the community to ensure the interests of businesses and residents are protected. The Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA) is a coalition of businesses and community interests committed to facilitating a stable and economically healthy Southwest Detroit. The Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition is a community-initiated organization of residents and stakeholders in the direct impact area of the Gordie Howe International Bridge, whose mission is to seek protection for the quality of life and health of those facing impacts. Q: What impacts are the construction of and existence of the Gordie Howe International Bridge having on the Delray area? Sagovac: It has reshaped the entire neighborhood. One-third of the Delray community has been replaced by this development; 250 families were relocated, and more have chosen to move. Over 50 businesses are gone, and others are trying to figure out how to remain prosperous. Many small businesses are owned by people who live in Southwest Detroit. For the hundreds of residents still living in Delray, community amenities are no longer there, and more truck impacts are coming. Chavez-Wazeerud-Din: The transformation of the Delray community is undeniable, and while we understand that progress often brings change, our focus remains on addressing challenges faced by local businesses. The ongoing street closures pose challenges for customers trying to reach the area, while construction-related dust and debris impede pedestrian traffic. As a result, some businesses have opted to relocate downriver. Q: What is your organization doing to address these issues and mitigate the risks for residents and businesses? Sagovac: We helped initiate a Home Swap program with the city where residents can swap their homes for a land-bank house. About 100 families have chosen to do this. These houses are fully renovated, including new roofs, furnaces, HVAC, interiors, and more. This is a great program, but there are only so many land bank homes available to meet the needs, and some residents want to stay. For those who moved, it’s tough to replace a community you once were a part of. The I-75 Environmental Mitigation Program offered home mitigations such as improved HVAC systems, insulation, and new windows to address noise and air quality impacts from increased truck traffic. The Delray Home Repair Program provided these same options for new roofs and furnaces. We are also working with the state and the University of Michigan on air monitoring and tracking emissions. We’re working with other Southwest Detroit organizations and SDBA on truck traffic solutions – dealing with trucks that are currently being rerouted into neighborhoods and creating significant challenges for residents and the business corridor. Chavez-Wazeerud-Din: The SDBA supports nearly 900 local businesses by offering access to meaningful programs and resources. One resource is our Façade Improvement program, which has been instrumental in helping businesses maintain their relevance and appeal. We’ve extended this program to businesses located on Springwells Street and West Vernor Highway, among other areas. We also are actively engaged with the bridge authority, advocating for a portion of the recent $2.3 million grant funds to be allocated directly to businesses in Southwest Detroit. In addition, we are developing an Experience Southwest Detroit Campaign, recognizing that the increased traffic resulting from the bridge will impact the area. Our goal is to encourage people to stop for meals and retail purchases, allowing them to truly experience the character of Delray and Southwest Detroit, rather than simply passing through. Q: What is being done in terms of buffering and preserving the neighborhoods? Sagovac: We are still seeking additional buffering along I-75 and truck routes and are working with the city and state on this. This is covered in the Delray Neighborhood Framework Plan. Chavez-Wazeerud-Din: We’re collaborating closely with the city and planning department to enhance the safety of the corridor, prioritizing its walkability once more. West Vernor Highway has unfortunately become a main thoroughfare for semi-trucks, posing serious safety concerns for businesses and residents alike. As a result, we’re actively addressing truck routing issues, and we’re optimistic that the Joe Louis Greenway will alleviate some of the traffic on West Vernor Highway. We are involved in the Detroit Intermodal Freight Terminal project to support businesses and the economy in Southwest Detroit by improving freight transportation opportunities. Q: What are the biggest challenges and opportunities? Sagovac: Living with extreme daily truck traffic impacts the community’s health and quality of life deeply. It also damages and devalues property. We are working with the city and many others to bring all forms of solutions, including better truck routing, new infrastructure and zoning, and other policies that will create a quality of life that any family should expect. We also need the support of trucking businesses to ensure their policies and their drivers respect all the traffic safeguards to protect our shared community. Chavez-Wazeerud-Din: Southwest Detroit embodies resilience, characterized by its gritty spirit and the determination of its do-it-yourselfers, a legacy spanning over a century. Business owners and residents (who are often the same) have been impacted and marginalized for a long time. Despite these challenges lies an opportunity: There are funds and resources available to build a more sustainable community. This community, with its rich history and vibrant culture, is not just worth saving – it’s worth nurturing and celebrating for generations to come. 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Boosting the Economy and Investing in Communities to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods in Southwest Detroit

The Southwest Detroit Business Association has been in existence for almost 70 years with a mission to support the community’s vision for a healthy, vibrant neighborhood. SBN Detroit spoke to the association’s president and CEO, Laura L. Chavez-Wazeerud-Din about the work being done with both businesses and residents to achieve this. Q: What is the impetus behind the Southwest Detroit Business Association? A: In a nutshell, we are here to dismantle barriers and bring resources to business owners and residents in Southwest Detroit. Q: What kinds of barriers? A: Southwest Detroit is a diverse community. Basic things such as navigating the City of Detroit website are difficult because it’s in English only. SDBA works to dismantle barriers by fostering community engagement and promoting economic inclusivity. We aim to create an environment that protects, promotes, and preserves local businesses and the community by addressing challenges such as economic disparities, access to capital, language barriers for a population that is almost 70% Hispanic, and enhancing the overall business ecosystem in Southwest Detroit. We also help residents and business owners navigate the new developments in the area. We are happy to see the city thrive but don’t want that to happen to the detriment of this very historic and culturally relevant community. Q: Your programs include a focus on business development. Tell me about this. A: One way we do this is through our Façade Improvement Program that’s been in existence for twenty years. Some might call this a beautification project, but I think it’s a sustainable model for our businesses. This program helps business and property owners improve their storefronts by providing grants for architectural services and reimbursement for up to 50% of construction costs. The scope of this program has grown through the years and we’ve expanded it to include multiple business corridors in Southwest Detroit, such as W. Vernor Hwy, Michigan Ave, Springwells, Mexicantown, and Junction just to name a few. It has been funded by JP Morgan Chase for the last 17 years and we are now looking for a new funder. We also have a Small Business Advocacy Center. This year we were able to leverage funding from the state of Michigan and bring $800K in equity investments to minority-owned business owners for projects and job creation. An example of this is Dunamis Clean Energy Partners. They were awarded $321K to build out a second line to produce electric charging stations. Another shining star for us this year was saving 16 food vendors that were slated for closing by the city. These vendors failed to receive certifications and pay the associated fines. This was a result of the vendors not understanding the process due to the language and communication barrier. Many didn’t even know they were slated for closing. We worked for months to ensure that not one of them closed, and that was a huge success. Overall, we work to make sure all development and infrastructure is inclusive and equitable to residents and businesses and reflects the culture of the community. An example of this is the La Joya Gardens development. This is an affordable housing mixed-use, mixed-income building that will provide 53 residential units and include retail on the first floor. It is a new building, construction began in 2023. The community named this complex via a naming contest we held. Q: Elaborate on how you work with businesses to facilitate the continuation and enhancement of a stable, economically healthy community. A: We are here to serve everyone from young start-ups to those doing business for decades. We collaborate with partners and other non-profits to bring resources and we are a small business resource hub. Our business community does not always feel safe and comfortable in seeking out resources outside of the community, so we facilitate bringing resources to them here on-site. We are a trusted advisor and conduit with a mission to help our businesses thrive and to make sure that Southwest Detroit is an integral part of the city. Q: Fill us in on your work with the Southwest Detroit Greenlink Project. A: The work we do here is making sure that we are thoughtful and strategic in terms of urbanization and population growth. The ultimate goal is to make Southwest Detroit a tourist destination. We work to get buy-in from the community and preserve the stories of the community. We have run multiple engagement meetings, open houses, surveys etc., to make sure the voice of the community is heard. Two components make up the vision of the Southwest Detroit Greenlink. The first is to complete the Greenlink and all of its sections and the second is to link the Southwest Detroit Greenlink to the other community greenways. Goals of the Greenlink include encouraging residents to walk and bike, giving tourists a welcoming place to frequent local businesses and restaurants, enhancing the economic value of residential and commercial property, and facilitating investment in homes and new businesses. Q: What are your biggest challenges? A: Funding. Also making sure people understand that this work is relevant. The City of Detroit has a lot of layers and it’s our job to secure the resources that are essential and necessary for this community to thrive. Q: What are the biggest opportunities? A: Bridging the digital divide is a big opportunity, and we have had several entrepreneurs rise up since the pandemic to help do so. Engaging with our youth is also a huge opportunity. The Center of Music & Performing Arts Southwest (COMPÁS) is a program that began in 2007 that helps bring mentorship to young people. We work with schools to make sure they understand that SWBDA is a resource. A lot of the kids in the community have been around their family businesses and in many cases these kids are helping to run the websites, and social media, and more. We are a resource to help bring the businesses into the next generation. Q: How can businesses get involved? A: Go to our website to