Royal Oak’s New Sustainability Manager Tasked with Green Goals

Angela Fox took on the role of sustainability manager for the city of Royal Oak in October and hit the ground running. She is tasked with implementing the city’s comprehensive Sustainability and Climate Action Plan and will bring her knowledge and experience from her varied background to do so. SBN Detroit talked to Fox to find out more about her approach and priorities. Q: Tell us a bit about your background and how you came into this role. A: In 2010, I opened a store in Holland, Mich., called Tree Huggers. It was very ahead of its time, but my mission was to make sustainability easier and less overwhelming for people.  Shortly after, I started a nonprofit called Green Michigan with two partners, and we were doing consulting work to simplify sustainability for people and organizations. This involved education and community projects. During the COVID pandemic, I attended Arizona State University to obtain a master’s degree in sustainability.  That ultimately led me here. Q: Why did you choose sustainability as a career? A: There was a pivotal moment. On a very cold Michigan day years back I received a note in my door saying that my recycling bin had dryer lint in it. It had inadvertently landed there without my knowledge, but that note changed my life. I started composting and then opened my store a few months later. At that time, I found recycling and sustainability overwhelming and decided I wanted to start doing what I could for the planet and helping others do the same. Q: What excites you most about this new role? A: The people. The residents and the Environmental Advisory Board came together to make this position a full-time role and it’s my dream job. I can’t imagine not assisting in this way. This is not a job you punch out of. I’m driven to do all that I can to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. I’m passionate about making the world a better place, and this is the way I’ve chosen to do it. Q: How is it structured internally? A: I am the only full-time city employee leading sustainability for the city of Royal Oak, but I have passionate people in every city department working collaboratively with me. The city also hired a full-time grant writer, so we’ve been working together to identify grants that will fund the various projects. The Advisory Board helps guide and prioritize my efforts. Again, the people in Royal Oak are invested. I hosted a happy hour to meet the community recently, and over sixty people came, from business owners to residents to commissioners. I’ll be championing the efforts, but the community wants to be very involved. Q: The new Sustainability and Climate Action Plan for the city cites two main goals: First to achieve a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 2018 levels by 2030, and achieve net zero by 2050, and second to operate the City of Royal Oak in a sustainable way supporting the community, economy, and environment. How will you approach these goals? A: Yes, this is my guiding document. The plan includes objectives and a series of action plans. I’m working to prioritize the action plans and projects associated with reaching these goals and take them to the Advisory Board as a first step. Q: How will your work impact businesses in Royal Oak and Southeast Michigan? A: I am here to help them be more sustainable. Some businesses in Royal Oak don’t have recycling efforts in place, and that’s not because they don’t want to, it’s because they have not had access to options or resources to put it into place. I am here to make it easier for them and help find solutions that benefit everyone. In terms of recycling, I plan to increase this city-wide. I’m looking into composting and food reduction. This summer I plan to launch energy efficiency guidelines for businesses to focus on to reduce energy and water usage and waste. I’m looking to focus on residents and businesses simultaneously. I think there is strength in talking to both audiences at once. Q: How can businesses get involved? A: I’m working on developing a task force and volunteer opportunities. I’m new to the region and working on creating a network here, and I welcome any businesses or partners who want to help us get further along in our sustainability goals. Q: What will be your biggest challenges in executing the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan? A: Prioritizing it. There are some big initiatives, and there is a lot to accomplish. Funding is another challenge. There are some amazing grants available, but even with a grant writer, prioritizing the grants and getting funding to do everything we want to do is a potential challenge. Q: What are the biggest opportunities? A: Collaboration. Collaboration with other communities and counties. I can’t speak to how it’s been done here in the past, but typically, when it comes to sustainability, people tend to work in silos. But I think there is a shift happening. I think with grants opening up and everyone working toward common goals, people are inviting collaboration. I’m encouraged by that. Also, our youth. I teach students at Arizona State University now, and they are excited and motivated. In a way, we’ve put an unfair burden on them by creating these environmental issues and looking to them to help figure it out. But I am so impressed by our young people and the way they mobilize and innovate to create change. Q: What does the future look like? A: There are so many opportunities in sustainability, but I want to see this Climate Action Plan through and celebrate the wins. For me, now, the future is about bringing people together and figuring out ways to make Southeast Michigan greener and a better place to call home.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

EcoWorks: Addressing Climate Change by Enabling Sustainable Communities

EcoWorks is a nonprofit that works at the intersection of community development and sustainability. Based in Detroit, EcoWorks serves residents, households, community organizations, businesses, and municipalities, working to create just, equitable, and inclusive solutions to climate change. SBN Detroit spoke with Briana DuBose, EcoWorks executive director, to find out more. Q: Tell us about EcoWorks A: EcoWorks is a Detroit-based nonprofit that addresses climate change by enabling Michigan communities to be more environmentally and economically sustainable. We provide transformative climate and sustainable solutions for communities that are underserved and often unseen and unheard. We do this through community development, green consulting, home energy assistance, climate advocacy, education, and workforce development. Our Eco-D program is an equitable approach to securing affordable, healthy resilient homes and neighborhoods. We design and advocate solutions that promote utility affordability, housing security, climate resilience, and resident-led neighborhood development. We also work to engage community members to be part of learning about sustainability and provide direct service programs, upgrades and repairs, and more for underserved communities.  Currently, we are working with four areas in Detroit – Hope Village, Southwest, Berg-Lahser, and Yorkshire Village to build out EcoDistricts. We offer comprehensive resources to help these areas transition to decarbonization and electrification. The program also provides residents and community organizations with resources to achieve healthy, affordable, resilient, and energy-secure homes and neighborhoods. Q: How do you work with Detroit neighborhoods and communities specifically? A: We look at ways to ensure the health and safety of all households. We focus on disadvantaged communities working with people who are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change – for example air quality.  We partner with coalitions to improve policy and design innovative financial models for healthy, green, housing and neighborhoods. An example of this is River Rouge, which is surrounded by multiple plants and therefore has poor air quality. We go in and have workshops to discuss sustainability and energy-saving measures in their area. People are often surprised that asthma can be caused by poor air quality. We will go in and perform needs assessments on homes and work toward proper sealing and weather stripping and filters so the residents can have clean air in their homes. We also work with the communities in a bigger way to do things like build rain gardens, create green spaces, and more toward the things the specific areas need. Q: How does the Strategic Community Initiatives Program work? A: We develop custom-fit climate and energy solutions for municipalities, school districts, health systems, small businesses, and nonprofits.  SCI has secured over $5 million in clean energy investments and over $30 million in lifetime savings for over thirty Michigan municipalities. EcoWorks serves as the lead technical provider as part of the Sacred Spaces Clean Energy Grants, eliminating disproportionate energy burdens for low-income congregations, inclusive of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities statewide. Eleven houses of worship in low-income Michigan neighborhoods from Detroit to the Upper Peninsula will become more energy efficient with support from this $1.24 million grant of federal funds through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to make improvements that reduce their consumption of fossil fuels for electricity, heating, and cooling. From this, we expect the congregations to achieve a 15% energy savings that will go back into the communities. Q: How can a business in Southeast Michigan take advantage of EcoWorks? A: We bring a unique blend of people and change-management skills coupled with technical assessment and project management capabilities to businesses. Contact us and we’ll set up a meeting to talk. We can develop and manage holistic energy and climate action plans collaboratively for organizations. Q: How do you think EcoWorks impacts Southeast Michigan businesses? A: EcoWorks can help organizations stay nimble and resilient as energy costs and climate impacts rise.  We can develop energy plans and implement energy projects by engaging people and bringing them together. We are often conveners. We are on the front line in communities, and we go into businesses to discuss how they may be contributing to the environment and sustainability in their communities. Often, businesses don’t know where to begin or may think sustainability initiatives are going to be expensive. We help educate them and show the ROI. Most businesses want to leave a better footprint on their community; they just need the resources to do so. Q: What are the biggest opportunities EcoWorks represents for Detroit? A: While our roots are firmly planted in energy conservation, we have grown to emphasize all aspects of sustainable development as it relates to building affordable, energy-efficient residential housing and commercial buildings. We are committed to promoting environmental equity and we take pride in helping communities get there.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

Daimler Truck’s Detroit Manufacturing Plant – From Diesel to EVs

Daimler Truck’s  Detroit® Manufacturing Plant produces 400 engines, 250 transmissions, and 1,300 axles daily. The 85-year-old factory is known for making diesel engines but is now working to be a leader in the transition to sustainable transportation. SBN Detroit interviewed Apoorva Mathur, remanufacturing – “reman” – electric product strategy analyst for Daimler Truck North America about the remanufacturing, reuse, and recycling side of the business. Q: How do you approach electrification? A: Our goal is to provide the ePowertrain solution that leads the transition to sustainable transportation. Everything we do pushes toward promoting sustainable transportation. Q: In your role, you focus on the sustainability of Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Powertrain components through remanufacturing, reuse, and recycling. How does this work?  A: Clearly, part of leading the transition to sustainable transportation is providing an option that has zero emissions, but from an aftermarket perspective, it’s important to be conscious about what we do with components once they come out of the truck. We work to reuse as many components as possible through the remanufacturing process so that we are recycling what we already have. A battery has a lifecycle that extends way beyond what is usable in a vehicle, so to use that battery responsibly it has to have secondary applications. Many times, batteries that come out of a vehicle are used for peak shaving. Peak shaving is utilizing a battery storage system during peak energy usage hours to offset the amount of energy being pulled from the main grid. This reduces the load on the grid. Used batteries can also be used in a microgrid solution whereby some kind of solar or wind-powered system is connected to a battery storage system and energy from solar is used to power the batteries. This is a self-contained situation that does not rely on the grid system at all. Companies can also build used batteries into chargers to provide backup power. So, there are different ways batteries and components can be remanufactured and reused. The recycling component is pretty straightforward. We have a recycling program and a company that disposes of batteries and materials responsibly and also recycles material back into the supply chain. Q: In your role, you also support special projects that advance battery electric vehicle (BEV) adoption, such as creating a charging hub at your Redford location. Can you tell us more about that?  A: Yes. The state of Michigan secured $13 million in funding in partnership with Daimler Truck North America and DTE Energy to develop the mobility charging hub earlier this year. We will build a multimodal charging hub there, helping companies to transition their fleets. The charging hub will support heavy trucks and also passenger vehicles and more with the intent to help the entire community transition to EVs. Q: What is driving your change to electrification? A: The largest driver is a combination of emissions standards becoming stricter and also a greater focus on sustainability as a whole on the global stage. Daimler Truck is committed to the Paris Agreement globally, and we are doing our part to provide our customers with zero-emission options. Daimler Truck as a whole is looking for what best suits our customers’ needs, and we are electrifying products across the board and will continue to go down that path. We are also looking at other options such as hydrogen. We need to explore everything to ensure we are giving the best options to our customers. Q: What drives your passion for what you do? A: This is so new for all of us. I’m constantly learning.  We are faced with something new every day when comes to requirements from a regulatory perspective and we are constantly getting customer feedback. It’s unchartered territory for all of us and we are all taking this learning journey together in this industry. That’s fun for me. It’s not the business as usual that Detroit Diesel has been doing for 85 years. It’s new and different and exciting. Q: What are the biggest challenges? A: Again, it’s unscripted. It involves so much effort as an industry to make this switch. We can build the product, but we also need the infrastructure. There are gas stations on every corner but supporting EVs is brand new. Also, we need support from utilities. Grid support requires more resiliency as we switch, and there is a lot of work to be done here. When we say we are transforming the transportation industry we mean it. We are taking every component and turning it into something different and it requires so much from everyone. Q: What are the opportunities? A: We’ve seen a whole new level of energy and innovation coming from all sides. New suppliers and players coming into the space every day. It’s exciting to see these companies coming into the industry to push and innovate. On the infrastructure side, it’s the same. New data companies are looking at how to use power in areas to help the grid. There are new charging management systems, new charging suppliers, etc. It’s given the industry a chance to innovate and go outside the norm of what we provide. Q: How do you think the work you are doing impacts Southeast Michigan in terms of innovation? A: Detroit is the place to be when it comes to sustainable transportation. And Detroit is the hub for all things mobility. The Battery Show North America is in Detroit each year, and there is so much knowledge at that show. It’s all being done here. Detroit is the center of competency. It’s a great place to learn and innovate and partner and work within. Q: What does the future look like? A: We will see change on the roads around us. Electric cars are growing in production and adoption in this area. We will see different types of technology being used for different applications as we learn what’s effective. We will see a mixed mobility strategy across the board and that’s exciting. I also

Wayne State University Moves Ahead As a United Nations Regional Center of Expertise


In April 2022, Wayne State University and the University of Windsor were designated as the United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development in the Detroit-Windsor region.  RCEs are networks of educational institutions, communities, governments, businesses, and other organizations that work together to advance and implement sustainability education within a region. SBN Detroit talked with Donna Kashian, Wayne State University professor and director of Environmental Sciences, who is leading the efforts at the university. Q: Tell us about regional centers of expertise. A: The RCE is a global program. Our designation is somewhat unique in that we are binational.  In our case, the US and Canada focus on the shared legacy of the region. The waterway is deeply linked to industry and economics in our area, and the two nations face similar challenges. We’ll work toward enhancing the economy to meet the sustainable era. This involves a large set of goals with a foundation in education. Part of our work is to bring together community partners and address activities related to sustainable development challenges. So, we are connecting entities such as the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, key individuals within schools and universities, the government, municipalities, and nonprofits to work on collaborative projects toward our goals. Ultimately, we will utilize these partnerships and networks to support research, training, and participation to move sustainable education forward. Q: How is this set up? A: Wayne State University has been very supportive of this effort and has contributed several resources, including support for two graduate students who will serve as sustainability ambassadors to help move things forward. Through the UN RCE, we are in the process of forming a sustainability council. We are appointing an individual from every unit within the university to report back to this council. Additionally, we will also have an external advisory board to help identify sustainability challenges in the Southeast Michigan region and the Essex region. The fellows will start tackling research and projects that are identified. Q: I understand that the goal of the UN RCE is to identify actions that address climate change, economic and health disparities, and social inequity to create a more sustainable future. How will you approach this? A: This is incredibly broad-sweeping and each university will tackle projects differently. WSU just launched a new five-year sustainability plan, and environmental justice and social inequity are addressed throughout. Many universities don’t include these front and center in their plans, so in this way, I think we can work as an example to advance university sustainability planning as a whole. Regarding climate change, we recently submitted a $3 million project to tackle climate resilience and flooding – that involves infrastructure and design – in addition to many projects in the community and education around that, which include talking to local middle and high school children. Two of my students and I have an upcoming visit to 6th-grade classes to educate young people on climate change. So our work involves projects, traditional research plus community education. Q: What are the benefits to students? A: Approximately six years ago WSU applied for and received a training grant in urban sustainability which initiated our T-Rust (Transformative Research Urban Sustainability Training) program. This program is wrapping up and has transitioned into the UN RCE. This program supported 33 graduate students and, to date, ten have graduated with seven master’s degrees and three doctorate degrees. Two of these students have been chosen to work on research and science policy on Capitol Hill. We are training future leaders, and they are walking into really great positions. The UN RCE designation will help us step into undergraduate opportunities as well, so we can reach more students and start training at an earlier stage. When the students hear the United Nations designation their ears perk up and are anxious to get involved. Watching the grad students go on to succeed and being able to extend more opportunities to undergrads is huge. Q: How will this work potentially impact Southeast Michigan businesses? A: This is one of our big agenda items. Typically, the environmental side of the university, where most of my connections are, has not been as connected as it could be to the business side. We’ve been working in silos. So we are working to form partnerships and do a better job at this. Q: What other things are you involved in around sustainability? A:  I serve as a US representative for the International Joint Commission’s science advisory board, and next year will serve as president of the International Association of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR). I also am on the Conservation and Environmental Issues Committee – Society of Fresh Water Science, and the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility+ Committee (IDEA+) committee for IAGLR. Q: How do these things help drive and shape your work overall? A: I think it all ties together. People say I’ve taken so much on, but it’s all interconnected and I think it’s about centralizing the work, not creating more. It’s all focused on the health of the Great Lakes and environmental justice. I hope to use and bring my shared resources to the UN RCE. Q: Where does your passion come from? A: Growing up, I lived in a Portuguese community in Massachusetts that has a long history of pollution from the textile industry. My family has an extraordinarily high cancer rate. I’ve always loved being outside, and I’ve always been passionate about improving health. I think my drive started there. And then five years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer myself. That has pushed me. The drive was there, but I now have an even stronger desire to push forward. Q: What is the end game? A: To live in a society that is just from a sustainable perspective, and to live within a healthy climate and environment. We clearly cannot accomplish this through the UN RCE alone, but we can move the dial. Training our youth to continue the quest and vote

Delta: Working Toward Net Zero Through Sustainability, Climate Impact

Delta Air Lines employs 95,000 people and operates 4,000 flights a day, flying to more than 280 destinations on six continents, and expects to serve nearly 200 million customers this year. 13.7 million passengers flew in or out of Detroit Metro Airport in 2022, making it Delta’s third-largest hub. We interviewed Gail Grimmett, Delta’s senior vice president of sustainability performance and strategic partnerships, to learn more about the airline’s sustainability strategy. Q: How does Delta approach sustainability? A: We are on a journey to reach net zero by 2050, so we have milestones and smaller goals we are working toward for 2025, 2030, and 2035 to help us get to net zero.  Our goals fall into two main pillars. The first is to embed sustainability in everything we do. This allows us to concentrate on things we can control today and allows sustainability to penetrate the entire business. The second is to eliminate our climate impact from flying. This is where our fuel and fleet come into play. So, we focus on these two main pillars and have set key targets and goals for each. Q: What does your sustainability team look like and how is it organized within the company? A: It’s set up to support the pillars. We have councils set up across the organization that work toward our goals. For example, we have a Carbon Council that is led by our chief of operations. This group is focused on innovation and fuel usage, looking for fuel efficiencies and savings Last year we saved 10 million gallons in fuel by weight reduction and by flying in a more efficient manner such as altitude and speed. We have sustainability embedded across the organization working on finding efficiencies and opportunities in areas we can control today. Q: Is sustainability addressed any differently here? A: All airports are different, but because we have great partners with the Airport Authority, we’re able to make changes outside of just our operation, like with LED lighting, low-flow water within the terminal, and within our catering kitchens. Since Detroit is a hub, it is a key airport for us that we look at regularly. We’ve been working on electrifying our ground service equipment (GSE) to convert to 100% electric by 2025 in five of our hubs and 100% in all of our hubs by 2035. Q: What are your short-term sustainability goals? A: In the short term, we are focusing on what we can control within our operation. For example, leveraging our councils to reduce fuel usage by another 10 million gallons this year. By 2035 we expect the Carbon Council to have saved 1.1 billion gallons of fuel, which is important from both a cost and emissions perspective. We are eliminating single-use plastics from planes. We eliminated 4.9 million pounds of plastic from planes as of last year, and on Dec. 5, we announced a new paper cup that we are testing in-flight that once fully rolled out will eliminate another 7 million pounds of single-use plastic. Changes like a new paper cup are no easy task. These cups must handle both hot and cold materials and meet international regulations that can vary from country to country.  We’re a global airline, and, operationally, we can’t just stock every aircraft differently based on the countries they travel through. We have to satisfy the sustainability regulations of all countries on all planes. Q: What about longer-term goals? A: We need to be net zero by 2050. That is the goal everyone in the industry is racing toward. To accomplish this, we need to focus on large-scale changes – things like switching to sustainable aviation fuel and hydrogen to power aircraft and building the supporting infrastructure. All this is still being researched and tested. When we think about our fleet – what we fly and how we fly – we are looking at what we can do in the medium term and the long term. For example, each new aircraft we add to our fleet generates around 25% fuel savings, so we are also updating our fleets to be more efficient. Q: What else are you working on to get to net zero by 2050? A: The number one lever we can pull to decarbonize our industry is sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Currently, there is not enough of it, so we need to ramp up production of it. Today, there is only enough SAF to barely cover one day’s worth of flying for the entire industry. The government and policymakers are important as the production of SAF scales because we need the right policies and incentives to increase production and build the infrastructure to support SAF. While that may seem daunting, a positive is that SAF is an immediate solution – it can be added directly into planes right now. So, while there isn’t enough of it, it can be blended with current fuel, so we can start with 50% SAF and move to 80% and then 100% as the production ramps up. Also, this first-generation SAF won’t be the last. It will continue to evolve. This is one of the most exciting times to be in this field as there is so much need here, and so much innovation happening. Q: I read that you focus on building your fleet to have the longest, most sustainable life possible. Can you tell us more about that? A: Circularity is important to us. We look at refreshing planes, regenerating materials, and recycling. We hold onto our fleet for a long time but continually look at how to be more efficient with the fleet. Adjustments are being made to certain planes to reduce drag, which helps them become more fuel-efficient. This goes back to controlling what we can control while continuing to refresh the fleet as we can. Q: What are the biggest challenges overall? A: There are two. The first is the pace of technology advancement. It needs to speed up and I think it will. And,

Bosch and Sustainability in Detroit


Bosch is a Germany-based global supplier of technology and services that employs 421,000 employees worldwide in over 60 companies. It has technical centers in Farmington Hills and Plymouth. We spoke to Tracy Rosol, carbon neutrality coordinator for the U.S. and Canada, about how the company approaches and manages sustainability. Q: How does Bosch approach carbon neutrality? A: In 2019, our leadership announced that Bosch would become 100% carbon neutral. We established committees in a multitude of countries and put key people in place to procure new green energy and carbon credits to offset emissions.  We created a database where locations worldwide submit information like how much energy, water, and gas each is using. Q: What is your role in this?  A: Germany is our hub and all initiatives roll out from there and cascade down. My main role at Bosch is operations support analyst – and I am also the carbon neutrality coordinator for the US and Canada. We have a carbon neutrality coordinator in every country. Q: What are your goals in this role? A: We had requirements to be 100% carbon neutral, and we reached that goal in 2020. It was not an option to fail. The entire company – over 400 locations worldwide – has reached this goal. Q: Tell us about some of the internal initiatives Bosch has implemented to protect the environment. A: Bosch works to invent things to make life better. We are working on different fuel systems, working on recycling programs, and composting programs. Within the facilities, there are many initiatives to ensure we are landfill-free. We work with local amenities for plastic pickup. Our cafeterias use compostable items and composting bins. What trash we do have is incinerated. We are working on technologies to reduce energy usage in our plants and also in homes. All of our lighting has now been changed to LED and we use motion detectors. We are working to install solar on sites. Bosch purchases carbon credits on behalf of all employee flights in an effort to offset flight emissions. It’s built into travel costs. This is all driven globally. Q: What is the sustainability approach when it comes to products? A: Let’s just use a pen as an example of a product. Bosch’s goal, as well as the OEM’s, is to make sure the entire process of developing this pen is sustainable. This involves what materials are being used, where the materials are procured from, what ink is being used, the packaging, the transport … all along the chain every piece needs to be sustainable. We are also pushing all other businesses we do business with to utilize sustainable practices. Q: What are the challenges? A: The biggest challenge is ensuring where our renewable energy credits come from and making sure all locations are being issued the credits for the recs. The challenge is tracking it. This involves handling a lot of data across all locations. Additionally, the market is challenged because so many companies are looking to procure renewable energy. This causes the price to fluctuate, and it’s a constantly changing market. We don’t want to over-purchase or under-purchase so it’s a challenge to manage this. Q: How are partners vetted when it comes to sustainability? A: We have a third-party vendor that is directly connected to the markets so they do this for us.  We also have an external legal company. Bosch is not an expert in these areas and won’t pretend to be, so we go to the experts and use them to assist us in all of this. Q: What advice do you offer to businesses looking to contribute to sustainability overall? A: Begin with low-hanging fruit. Take a look at where you are wasting energy and start to make a change. Things like putting in motion detectors and switching to LED are good places to start. Reduce where you can. Utilize composting. Put recycling processes in place. From there, find a reputable company to walk you through it. Companies like Honda have partnered with Detroit Edison to put on webinars. Attend the webinars and begin to learn. Find ways to lean on experts and use their resources. Bosch did not do this overnight. We started in 2016 and worked at it over time.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

Fishbeck: Working to Keep Natural Resources in Focus

Fishbeck is a 67-year-old consulting firm focused on engineering, environmental sciences, architecture, and construction management with ten offices in Michigan, four in Ohio, and one in Indiana. We spoke to Senior Engineer Lillian Woolley about the company’s internal sustainability practices, as well as their clients. Q: What would you like us to know about Fishbeck? A: Our goal is to provide all-in-one solutions to clients and to do that, we have many technical professionals completing a wide variety of work. Our technical staff has worked on some great projects for clients to support client sustainability initiatives, and I think that many Fishbeck employees enjoy those types of projects the most. Our technical teams like the challenge of pulling off a project that is considered a “win-win,” and we often get the opportunity to do that. One of my favorite projects that we facilitated was the construction of a solar garden on a brownfield site in Cadillac, Michigan. Q: Has Fishbeck always had a focus on sustainability? A: Fishbeck started as a civil engineering firm that worked on water and wastewater treatment system projects more than 67 years ago. Over the years, different disciplines have been added, including environmental engineering, but there has always been a strong focus on helping preserve and enhance the natural resources around us. Fishbeck employees are active in several organizations like the 2030 Districts, U.S. Green Building Council, and more. Q: Do you have an internal sustainability team? A: We have a Sustainability Committee comprising representatives from most departments. Beyond the work we do for our clients, the Sustainability Committee considers firm-specific sustainability issues from an employee’s point of view, as well as from the point of view of the general public. The committee has recently released a survey inside the firm to gauge interest and benchmark sustainability efforts. Using that data, they will present a plan for becoming an even more sustainable organization.     Your website says Fishbeck’s core purpose is to help people realize their visions while benefiting society. Can you tell us more about that? A: Most Fishbeck employees want to work on technically challenging projects that leave the world – or their client – in a better place after the project is finished. For example, Fishbeck is working with the Kent County Department of Public Works on its Kent County Sustainable Business Park. Kent County has an ambitious goal to “Reimagine Trash” and to divert 90% or more of its trash from the landfill before 2030. The new sustainable business park will include facilities to recycle solid waste. Our civil engineers designed the site work and utilities, while others designed the stormwater management system. Our environmental team is working on the wetlands permit and other environmental permits. Who wouldn’t love to work on a project so promising? Q: Fishbeck achieved a Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) Conservation Certification for its office headquarters in Grand Rapids. Tell us about this. A: Fishbeck’s Grand Rapids Office is truly beautiful and includes more than 6 acres of wetlands. There is a large pond and, depending on the time of year, you can see all kinds of birds and other wildlife! To become certified and to document our commitment to being good environmental stewards, Fishbeck ecological professionals surveyed the site, outlined a baseline inventory, and then implemented a plan to enhance the habitat. We recently had a Girl Scout troop come to our office to make bat houses, which we will install at the site. Q: What are examples of your internal sustainability initiatives and goals? A: Not only do our architects work with clients on LEED certification, but the Grand Rapids office buildings and landscape management are certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system. As part of its LEED certification, Fishbeck implements best management practices to benefit adjacent ecosystems. Our Facilities Department unveiled a new recycling program earlier this year, including a compost program. They are also reviewing the downstream impact of our programs and processes. The company has a hybrid work policy so employees can work from home. We are each given 8 hours of volunteer time to use during work hours during the year. Our 17 office buildings have smart systems that turn off lights and lower heat when employees are not in the office. Q: What are some examples of client work that involve sustainability in Southeast Michigan? A: Fishbeck has worked with clients in Southeast Michigan on stormwater management projects, others on boiler or HVAC systems to reduce energy consumption, as well as work on a potential recycling facility. A few years back, we were doing a lot of energy assessments, and we are excited to be doing projects now identified in those assessments. Q: How important is choosing partners and suppliers that also have a sustainability focus? A: Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions can be much higher than Scope 1 and 2 emissions, so paying attention to partners and suppliers is important. I encourage my clients to have a good understanding of their carbon footprint to ensure that when making changes they are moving in the right direction. It is fairly easy to switch suppliers and double your footprint if you are not careful. Q: What are your biggest challenges when it comes to sustainability? A: Communications. In many cases, the most sustainable approach may be cost-effective, but it takes time and effort to make those projects happen. You need to be knowledgeable about available grants and rebates. You need to understand all options available, and you need to be able to communicate the benefits to all affected stakeholders. We make an effort to ensure we look at every option as well as advise our clients on making the best decision for the environment. Q: What are the biggest opportunities? A: The biggest opportunities are available in performing energy assessments and ensuring your facility is operating at its most efficient. This is because both utilities in Southeast Michigan offer rebates and similar programs allowing

Resiliency Hubs, Waging a War on Trash, and Increasing African American Home Ownership

In 2022, Monique Baker McCormick was re-elected for her third term as Wayne County Commissioner of District 6. She serves Redford Township and Northwest Detroit in the community where she grew up. SBN Detroit spoke to McCormick about the sustainability initiatives she’s been involved in and how they impact residents and businesses in her community. Q: How does sustainability integrate with your position and the work you do as a Wayne County Commissioner? A: I think elected officials must support our communities and in doing so we need to protect the environment and quality of life for today and for future generations. Q: You are involved in so many committees and initiatives, can you give a couple of examples of how sustainability comes into play? A: We recently received a $1.1 million grant to create Wayne County resiliency hubs to reduce our carbon footprint in Wayne County. When I became the chair of Health and Human Services, I became involved with the toxic waste coming from Ohio to Wayne County following a train derailment. This is an environmental issue, a human rights issue, and a civil rights issue, and impacts the quality of life for all of us. As a commissioner, I don’t dig into how cities manage their environmental programs, but I can help on a county level to get funds and to help with programming necessary for the communities. Within the Economic Development Committee, we do have more say in how the operation of sustainability of Wayne County unfolds and how the resiliency hubs work as well. Q: How does this work impact businesses in your district? A: I think the work we do to reduce our carbon footprint and improve the quality of life in Wayne County impacts all of our citizens and businesses and will only help them grow and flourish. I think it helps to drive new businesses to the county as well. Q: You created the Wayne County Commission Youth Council (WCCYC). What is the impetus behind this? A: I had a long journey to becoming a commissioner. I started as a young Democrat and worked for the Democratic party and began to see first-hand how our democracy works and also how it does not. I want the next generation of leaders to understand that if you don’t fight for something,  have a voice, or don’t have a seat at the table then don’t expect that someone is going to fight for you. If you want to see change in your community change starts from the bottom up, and that means all of us getting involved in the process. The Wayne County Commission Youth Council helps young people understand this and empowers them to get involved in the process. The goal is to take youth from varied socioeconomic backgrounds and multicultural neighborhoods and help them become socially responsible community members. They pick their topics. We have worked on gun reform, mental health in schools, economic oppression, and more. They do voter registration and outreach, community service, and other issues. We travel to Lansing to meet legislators to make their voices heard regarding what they want to see change in Wayne County. Q: Do you think the youth that are involved now will have an impact on Southeast Michigan businesses as they join the workforce? A: One girl comes to mind – a tenth grader who was an introvert who did not want to speak in meetings at first. She didn’t know she had a voice. She evolved and eventually became the Youth Council President, speaking at all of the meetings and doing interviews, etc. Now she knows she can use her voice for change and for good. Another former member is now the president of his college council on campus. The program also has an internship component. One of our members worked for the mayor’s office in Northville. They go on to do the work that we start. Q: You have led efforts to mitigate foreclosures and increase African-American homeownership. How does this tie to sustainability regarding developing communities and the economy? A: The sustainability of Black and Brown communities starts with the American dream of home ownership. With home ownership you build equity. You buy a home and the value increases over time and once that increases you have this equity. But we’ve seen generations of wealth that have started with home ownership to then be wiped out by freeways. This causes generational economic oppression. It’s difficult to sustain a quality of life when you are always starting behind. Since 2008, African American home ownership is back down to the levels it was in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s all over the country. Detroit has more renters now whereas years ago there were more homeowners. We have to be intentional about how we address this. There are still redlining issues. There is still a lack of ability to get loans. There are a lot of issues around trying to get back to where were. Q: What is the war on trash that you initiated? A: This is an anti-littering campaign. It’s about advocacy that pushes the government and the community to do the right things around trash and littering. When we started the campaign, one of the first issues to address was to ensure our community had trash cans. I worked with the city of Detroit and the Downtown Detroit Partnership to purchase 50 trash cans and enlisted community volunteers to put the cans at city entry points, bus stops, etc. We partnered with elementary schools to try to embed early on that if you live in a community, you should be proud of that community and help to keep it clean. Our messages of “Love Where You Live” and “Don’t Stop and Drop” prompted kids to create art projects around clean communities, maintained trash around their schools, and more. It’s pushing to keep communities clean and green because there is more trash, there is more crime. Q: How do you think

This Month’s Message from Terry Barclay, SBN Detroit chair and CEO of Inforum

On Oct. 31, SBND hosted a panel focusing on business and sustainability in the Great Lakes region. The event was a collaboration with the Council of the Great Lakes Region  and featured Shanelle Jackson,  senior manager, LyondellBasell; Edna Lorenz, energy director, Corewell Health; Mark Schrupp, executive director, Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority; and Lillian Woolley, senior chemical engineer, Fishbeck. It was a fascinating discussion, and I encourage you to read the story here. Before the panel discussion, Colin Bird, counsel general of Canada in Detroit, spoke about how Canada and the U.S. work together on issues that include the environment, maritime trade, and stewardship of the Great Lakes. In Michigan, we are more aware of this than most in the U.S., but some of the specifics were new to me. Some examples: In 2022, Canada was the U.S.’s largest trading partner in goods and services. About 80% of Canadian goods exports to the U.S. ‘feed’ American supply chains for final goods. According to U.S. trade data, in 2022, bilateral trade in goods and services was US$914.3 billion, representing over US$2.5 billion worth of goods and services crossing the border every day. The joint stewardship of the environment is a cornerstone of Canada-U.S. relations, from air and water quality to wildlife management. This includes at least 50 federal bilateral arrangements, more than 100 arrangements at the state and provincial level, and the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. The Canada-U.S. Joint Action Plan on Critical Minerals Collaboration and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) expand energy cooperation between the two countries are some examples of collaborative initiatives. Canada’s 2023 federal budget allocates $650 million over ten years to support monitoring, assessment, and restoration work in key freshwater ecosystems, many of which are shared by Canada and the US. Of this total, $420 million will go towards restoring and protecting the Great Lakes, complementing significant U.S. efforts in this regard. On September 18, the University of Michigan announced an award of $5 million from the National Science Foundation to establish the Global Center for Understanding Climate Change Impacts on Transboundary Waters, comprised of U.S. and Canadian universities and Indigenous representatives. McMaster University will lead the Canadian side, with $3.75 million in funding provided by the National Science Foundation. More trade statistics specific to Michigan can be found here.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

The Role of Businesses in Sustainability

A sustainable Great Lakes region cannot be achieved without the leadership, involvement, and commitment of businesses. From decarbonization and the circular economy to water stewardship and workforce development, businesses across all industries and sizes have a unique opportunity to make decisions and investments that impact the region On October 31, the Sustainable Business Network of Detroit (SBND) and the Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR) held a jointly organized event to hear from business leaders who share a commitment to sustainable development and learn about the actions they are taking to embed sustainability in their operations and corporate strategies. Discussion focused on the role of businesses in sustainability, measuring the data, automation, and workforce development. The panelists were: Edna Lorenz, energy director for Corewell Health. Mark Schrupp, executive director, the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority. Lillian Woolley, senior chemical engineer, Fishbeck. Shanelle Jackson, senior manager for State Government Relations for LyondellBasell. Colin Bird, Consul General of Canada in Detroit, also participated as a special guest. Takeaways follow: Bird: This region really is the epicenter of North America, and we have the ability to become the green economy that powers the world and addresses climate change issues around the globe. Wolley: Regarding the role businesses have in sustainability, I think every business and industry is different. Businesses certainly need to support the efforts the state has committed to, and there are programs and utility rate breaks available to help. Shrupp: Businesses will do what is in their interest financially. Five years ago, businesses were largely not engaged in sustainability, but they are at the table now because government entities – and their customers – have made it a priority. Jackson: I think employees today want to be proud of the company they work for and are demanding more and more from companies regarding their sustainability commitments. Shrupp: The Port of Detroit is the linchpin of manufacturing in the city. Heavy industry comes in here and that’s been a huge cost to the environment and air quality. We are developing a decarbonization plan now and we hope to create the greenest port in the Great Lakes and act as an example for others. Jackson: When it comes to sustainability, we are engaging employees at every level from the factories to the C-suite, and having the conversations. Woolley: When it comes to metrics there are companies that are good at it and companies that don’t know what they should be looking at. There are lots of tools available to help though. Lorenz:  One of our 2024 initiatives is water. Not just the water we drink but the water we wash our hands and bedding and dishes in. Hospitals utilize water for heating and cooling and there is chemical treatment of that water. This is a big initiative for us in 2024. Shrupp: Working in a port region is a dirty job. The air quality is bad. We are working to raise the level of standard and pushing that agenda throughout the industry. Jackson: I’ve been hearing women and people of color are saying we’ve seen a decline when it comes to DE&I. There was a push for it in 2020 (and before) but was it a thing of the moment? Lorenz: I think healthcare is embracing automation. We have robots delivering food to patients and robots making food. The industry is utilizing software and AI solutions to supplement human staff so that human staff is better able to focus their attention on the data analysis piece. Jackson: Our top goal is to help end plastic waste so we need the latest technology to do that. LyondellBasell is consistently investing in opportunities to increase innovation in ways that will ultimately save us money. Shrupp: There is a lot of work to be done. We need more young people to choose to live in this region and help our businesses transition. Millennials are raising the importance and demand for sustainability.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.