The Greening of Detroit: Working to Create Healthy Urban Communities Through Trees, Education, and Jobs

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Established in 1989, The Greening of Detroit is a nonprofit organization with a mission to inspire sustainable growth of a healthy urban community through trees, green spaces, healthy living, education, and job opportunities.

To date, it has planted 147,000 trees and trained more than 1,000 people through its five-year-old workforce development program.

Putting trees in the ground is job one for the organization, but it also is involved in stormwater management and providing landscaping services to residents and businesses in the communities they serve.

President Lionel Bradford has been with the nonprofit since 2010 and is proud of its 35-year history. SBN Detroit interviewed Bradford about the organization’s programs, impact, and future.

Q: What was the impetus to begin The Greening of Detroit?

A: For years Detroit was known as the Paris of the Midwest, partly because of the tree canopy cover the city used to have. Between 1950 and 1980 Detroit lost over a half million trees due to Dutch Elm Disease, urbanization, and neglect due to financial struggles. In 1989, The Greening of Detroit was founded to reforest the city of Detroit.

Since its inception, 147,000 trees have been planted throughout the city. We also started a youth employment program as a way to educate and take care of these trees. Our Green Corps Summer Youth program at its height employed 200 high school students. That number decreased due to COVID-19, but it’s coming back up.

In a nutshell, our organization has two main pillars: workforce development and green infrastructure.

Q: What are you currently working on in terms of tree planting?

A: We are in the third year of a five-year strategic plan where we are looking to plant 20,000 trees throughout Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park, and train 300 individuals who have barriers to employment.

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This plan fits into a larger initiative we are involved in called the Detroit Tree Equity Partnership. This is a collaboration with American Forest, DTE Energy, and the City of Detroit in which we are planning to plant 75,000 trees over the next five years.

There is a buzz in the city right now in terms of trees. We’ve done a lot of engagement and outreach. Recently we conducted a 500-tree giveaway, and there were still cars lined up after we gave away the last tree. It’s great to see this.

Q: What is your involvement with the Walter Meyers Nursery?

A: Walter Meyers is a tree nursery on 72 acres in Rouge Park that for years went untouched. In 2004, The Greening of Detroit – with the city’s permission – took over managing that property to serve as a training ground for our adult workforce development. We have used it as an outdoor classroom setting.

In 2017, we put together a master plan to turn it back into a working nursery operation. As an organization, we are looking for ways to generate revenue for our training programs and to plant our trees. We want to control our destiny and cut down the carbon footprint involved in having trees shipped in.

We have planted over 4,000 trees in the nursery and harvested our first 200 trees last year.

The goal is to get to a point where we are selling 5,000 trees annually to municipalities, the City of Detroit, and the community.

Q: What sustainable impact do you think this brings?

A: In addition to creating green infrastructure in the city, community engagement is at the heart of what we do. Our job is to get trees in the ground, but we do not want to impose our will. We want to be invited into communities. Not only do we want residents to have a say, but we also want them to be a part of the work. This is a model that speaks volumes in terms of sustainability, and it’s held up across the state and the country.

Q: How does The Greening of Detroit impact businesses?

A: We engage and work with business owners in the communities we are involved in. Many of them bring us in to green their properties.

The more green space we can add for businesses, the more it helps aesthetics and foot traffic. Green space and economic development go hand in hand.

Also, from an economic standpoint, our education program puts people into jobs doing work around the city, which enhances the economic viability of Detroit as well.

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Q: In what other ways does the organization create green infrastructure in the city?

A: Stormwater management. We have installed three major bioretention ponds around the city that hold up to a million gallons of water. These are in Rouge Park, Chandler Park, and Eliza Howell Parks. We also work with residents and businesses to replace impervious surfaces with green infrastructure through our Land + Water WORKS Coalition.

Q: You have an adult workforce program from which over 1,000 Detroiters have graduated in the past five years. How does this work?

A: This is a six-week program called the Detroit Conservation Corps. Sixty percent of those who have graduated were previously incarcerated. We are passionate about helping that population get credentials and secure jobs that pay decent wages.

We work with a network of businesses looking to employ, most from the tree care and landscaping industries. These companies work in tandem with our advisory committee to help us build our curriculum and help with job placement. We have hired a small percentage of our trainees ourselves.

Q: What is the future of The Greening of Detroit?

A: Community engagement will always be a focus. We also are rebuilding our environmental education. These programs fell by the wayside before and during COVID-19, but we are working to get into schools, facilitate field trips, and educate our youth.

We truly believe that getting the Meyers Nursery operations up and running is key for us moving forward. It will be important for us to generate our revenue.

I’m proud we’ve been able to sustain the organization for 35 years. I feel good about the climate of the city in terms of how people feel about trees and think things will continue to get better from here.


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Kim Kisner

Kim Kisner

With over 25 years of experience in the development and execution of strategic branding, content planning, and copywriting for brands such as Gatorade, Ford Motor Company, and Under Armour, and published by SEEN Magazine, The Jewish News, and countless health and lifestyle journals and blogs, Kim helps companies, brands, and people tell their stories.

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ITC Holdings and Its Role in a Greener Grid

Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Novi, Mich., ITC Holdings builds, operates, and maintains high-voltage electric transmission systems that carry electricity in Michigan and around the Midwest. The company owns and operates approximately 16,000 circuit miles of transmission lines across 90,000 square miles of service territory. SBN Detroit interviewed Simon Whitelocke, senior vice president and chief business officer to find out more. Q: How does ITC approach sustainability? A: We are central to a broader sustainability initiative aimed at decarbonizing the electrical grid, facilitating the shift by interconnecting greener electricity, even though we don’t generate it ourselves. When building transmission infrastructure, we are highly mindful of our environmental impact. Our transmission lines, which have a lifespan of sixty to seventy years, traverse both urban and rural areas. We strive to be good neighbors to the environment, habitats, and wildlife around them. Before starting a transmission project, we conduct an environmental assessment to determine the best route, the type of land it will occupy, and potential impacts on sensitive habitats or endangered species. We also carefully plan the construction timing to minimize its environmental impact. Q: How has ITC evolved over time when it comes to sustainability? A:  From day one, ITC has prioritized being mindful of our impact, making environmental responsibility a core part of our company culture. As we’ve expanded into diverse geographies and worked in various environments, our commitment has deepened. Our repertoire and tools have grown and adapted over time, leading to enhanced and improved expertise. Q: How has the infrastructure evolved, and what are the solutions for building toward sustainability? A: We operate with significant oversight, often collaborating with federal, state, and local governments, which provide a framework of standards. Cities and states have developed sustainability plans that we work within. For example, Michigan has the MI Healthy Climate Plan, and we align our efforts with it. The public is also more aware and engaged, and there is much greater support for sustainability initiatives today. Q: How does your work vary from state to state when it comes to dealing with habitat and environment? A: Every state presents unique challenges and regulates environmental matters differently, so it’s certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach. At the federal level, there are baseline protections for certain species that apply nationwide, but some states have additional protections for species-specific to their region. For instance, Michigan is unique due to its extensive wetlands. Compared to Iowa, which has fewer trees and less water, Michigan presents a totally different set of environmental factors. These variations create a lot of state-to-state differences in our work. We collaborate with local and federal governments on mitigation plans to ensure our impact on the environment is as minimal as possible. What are the biggest challenges that you encounter in managing habitat around building and maintaining infrastructure, and what are the lessons you have learned along the way? A: ITC takes great care to protect the environment and habitats surrounding our infrastructure, but the most challenging item we have encountered is invasive species.  To counter this, we employ adaptive management techniques, meaning, that once we plant something, we don’t just walk away from it.  We consult with biologists to regularly monitor those areas to control, and remediate, any invasive issues that may arise. Q: How do you handle materials and recycling? A: We partner with Goodwill Greenworks, among other recyclers, to recycle our construction material. As we replace infrastructure the old materials such as wires, cables, and metal copper steel go to them, versus a landfill. Goodwill Greenworks also creates job opportunities and supports community development by training individuals in green jobs and environmental management. When we decommission old equipment, such as batteries at substations, we ensure that these materials are properly recycled. This includes recycling oil, metals, and other components with the help of our experts. We send concrete structures used as foundations for equipment to recyclers that crush and reuse it as aggregate, or to produce new concrete. Similarly, untreated wood, such as old pallets or shipping crates is recycled into mulch or used as fuel for co-generation. Also, old wooden poles are often donated to landowners versus having to be disposed of in a landfill. Overall, we are increasingly focused on recycling and being mindful of our environmental impact. Q: How does ITC incorporate sustainability into its operations beyond infrastructure and recycling? A: In 2022 we received a Gold Tier Program Award for our efforts at our Novi headquarters and we’ve been awarded several Conservation Certifications from the Wildlife Habitat Council. I think this demonstrates our commitment to environmental stewardship. The property the campus sits on includes significant wetland areas, and we are highly sensitive to maintaining and protecting these natural spaces. This approach extends to our transmission corridors and warehouses, where we prioritize living in harmony with the environment. The 2003 blackout was ultimately triggered by a power line coming in contact with a tree, so we are particularly mindful of managing vegetation under our power lines. When we remove trees, we have replaced them with habitats such as prairies that support local species and pollinators. This reflects our focus on sustainable land management practices. Additionally, many of our transmission corridors are integrated with walking and biking trails, allowing people to connect with nature while ensuring the reliable delivery of electricity. We strive to balance the need for power with the importance of preserving green spaces.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

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Green Door Initiative: Fostering Sustainability and Economic Growth

Founded in 2010 by native Detroiter Donele Wilkins, the Green Door Initiative is a Detroit-based nonprofit dedicated to advancing sustainability and environmental stewardship. It emphasizes developing green spaces, revitalizing urban areas, empowering communities, and workforce development tailored to the green energy sector. In March, Wilkins was appointed to serve on the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council established by President Biden under Executive Order 14008 of January 27, 2021, to tackle the climate crisis here and around the world. SBN Detroit interviewed Wilkins about the vision and the progression of the Green Door Initiative and how serving on the advisory council will impact its trajectory. Q: What is the impetus behind the Green Door Initiative? A: The Green Door Initiative is an environmental justice nonprofit organization based in Detroit. Our mission is to ensure that everyone, regardless of race or ZIP code, is environmentally literate and capable of promoting and living a sustainable lifestyle. We achieve this through several programs and initiatives. First, we offer community education and access to resources – opportunities for residents and community members to learn about environmental protection and improve their daily lives. Through workshops and awareness programs, we translate complex information into actionable steps, helping individuals access resources to enhance their environmental conditions. Another big focus of ours is workforce development. Here, we focus on increasing the capacity of residents to compete in the environmental and green sectors. Our 12-week training program has a 92% job placement rate, offering underrepresented and underserved individuals opportunities to become certified and licensed for well-paying, family-supporting jobs. This program covers various environmental and green-collar jobs, addressing climate change, pollution removal, and more. We also engage youth in this program. Every summer, we employ high school students to support their transition into leadership roles and career planning. And finally, we work to impact public policy related to environmental health, advocating for equal protection to mitigate issues such as poor air quality, and unsafe drinking water. We advocate for investments and resources that mitigate climate impacts, ensuring that our communities are heard in decision-making processes and receive the necessary support. Q: What types of jobs does your workforce development program help people secure? A: We train individuals for diverse careers in the environmental and green sectors. We specialize in placing certified professionals in roles related to environmental cleanup, including handling hazardous materials and addressing pollution. We also support job placement in energy audits and solar installation, helping individuals improve energy efficiency and contribute to renewable energy projects. Additionally, we facilitate apprenticeships, particularly in electrical fields linked to green energy. Our network extends to disaster response roles, where individuals assist with emergency food and water distribution, and to various general green sector positions. We continuously seek out potential career opportunities in the environmental field. Q: What other initiatives are you pursuing in workforce development? A: We’re actively involved in several projects related to workforce development. One major initiative is our Air Quality Management Project, which we started with funding from the EPA. This involves installing air monitoring systems and collecting real-time data to share with the community. We are also focused on community outreach, training residents on the significance and use of this data. Additionally, we’ve created job opportunities through our training programs. Several participants have been hired for internships and full-time positions as air monitor installers. We’ve also partnered with Just Air, a for-profit company, to fulfill a contract with Wayne County for installing 100 air monitors. This collaboration allowed us to employ our trainees and demonstrate our capability to meet local needs. Q: What is the economic impact of green jobs? A: It’s huge. These roles are among the fastest-growing job trends that exist today, and they significantly benefit local economies. Green jobs contribute to environmental restoration and adaptation, aiding communities in recovering from storms and other environmental challenges. As the shift toward electric vehicles and related infrastructure accelerates, more job opportunities arise, creating synergy with the auto industry. Our 12-week program trains several cohorts of 25-30 individuals quarterly, offering comprehensive education in environmental and green-collar sectors. This training spans various fields, including solar installation, and prepares participants for diverse opportunities, benefiting both large and small contractors. To date, we’ve graduated 1,700 individuals from our program. Q: Does Green Door focus on manufacturing jobs, given the industry’s significance in Detroit? A: Yes, we do engage with manufacturing jobs, including those related to solar panel assembly. For example, we’ve partnered with companies involved in solar panel manufacturing and installation. We’ve also established a company – 313 Solar – that is not yet launched, which will aim to handle the full spectrum of solar panel operations, from manufacturing to maintenance. We’re actively collaborating with companies planning to set up in Wayne County and working with the Department of Economic Development and other partners. These companies often seek grants and will recruit from our trained workforce, ensuring alignment with industry needs and sustainability goals. Q: Can you expand on the community education you offer and its impact on Southeast Michigan? A: We’ve provided approximately 25,000 hours of community awareness training. Our focus includes educating people on navigating permit hearings and understanding environmental protection at local, state, and federal levels. We cover environmental health impacts, such as the effects of poor air quality on health. We also address misconceptions, such as victims being blamed for their health issues due to lifestyle choices like poor diet or smoking. We engage in discussions about food deserts and other systemic issues, aiming to shift the trajectory by proactively influencing development and policy changes. Q: What impact do you have on local businesses? A: We help local businesses access talent they might not have considered. Many companies struggle to fill positions or find the right skill set, and we provide solutions by presenting qualified candidates. Businesses are often surprised by the high quality of the individuals we connect them with. We encourage businesses to reach out and have a conversation with us. Our team of job developers

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Becoming Sustainable in a Water-Intensive Business

In 2013, industrial designer Shayla Johnson launched Scarlet Crane Creations and began selling her stationery and other prints at The Rust Belt Market in Ferndale. She quickly realized her disdain for using paper as a medium due to the waste it created. Pivoting to natural and organic fabrics and eco-friendly inks, she created her Detroit Collection which includes home décor and accessories made from original and sustainable hand-printed fabrics. Over the next eleven years, she progressed her sustainability practices and is now revamping her systems, equipment, and space toward the preservation of water and the support of using organic dyes and materials. SBN Detroit interviewed Johnson about the impetus behind her vision, the challenges in executing sustainable practices in the print and textile industry, and the solutions she is employing. Q: What is the company’s approach to sustainability? A: Sustainability is always a thread in my thinking and I’m always looking for ways to do better. I’ve progressed from paper to fabric to more responsible fabric and continue this evolution. I use all organic and eco-friendly inks. We are also focused on a closed-loop system that allows us to recycle the water we use. Q: What inspired you to focus on your water usage, and what are the challenges in the printing/textile industry that you face regarding this?  A: At one point along the way I measured how much water I was using in one print session, and it was ten gallons. To put this in perspective, that involved dying about ten to 15 yards of fabric. I saw this as completely problematic, watching all that water go down the drain. And began to think exponentially – what does this look like across the country and globe? I have come to find out that the global textile industry utilizes 1.3 trillion gallons of water annually – enough to fill 2 million Olympic-sized pools. Q: What did you do next? A: Water-based inks have always been my focus. I knew that going forward when I dump the waste, I needed to make sure it was filtered and disposed of properly and the water was reused. I began working with Centrepolis, and they connected me to Dr. Refael Aharon, an expert in textile recycling. We worked for four months studying my processes and developed a system that he outlined for me including recommendations and the equipment and type of space I will need. Q: You recently won a $10K grant from Michigan Women Forward to expand your space to accommodate this. What has this involved? A: That’s right. I am part of the Motor City Match program now and am in the development track, where I’m getting help to further plan the space and secure a location. Q: You utilize fabrics that are sourced in the U.S. and the production is focused locally in Detroit. What challenges come with this? A: The companies we order from are all American-based companies, and it is all organic cotton and linens, etc. But there are very few mills in the U.S. these days, so some of the raw goods are unfortunately imported. The companies we buy from all have a commitment to sustainability, and I try to purchase as much fabric as I can locally. Our bread-and-butter product – tea towels – is from a fabric company in Michigan. Q: What are the challenges in working with organic inks and dyes? A: Using natural dyes requires a different process that is more labor-intensive and therefore takes longer. These dyes are made from plants and proteins that come from cactuses and other natural sources and can be more expensive to source. Since they are all-natural, they don’t last as long. We have to use them faster and that can be tricky to manage. So, the biggest barrier becomes being able to produce in a way that still allows us to sell the products at a reasonable price. However, my clients appreciate and seek out these products purposefully, choosing not to purchase ink that requires solvents and materials made of synthetics, etc. So, they are not surprised by higher price points. This model aligns with slow fashion – being thoughtful and intentional about the outcome even if that takes longer. I believe in having an item that will last longer and that won’t end up in a landfill.  Q: Are there additional sustainability practices you deploy? A: Some of our items are created from upcycled materials like jeans and pre-owned items. People also like these because they are one-of-a-kind. Q: In terms of sustainability – does your location in Detroit come into play? A: Yes. Because there has been a resurgence of interest around Detroit and people are looking to focus efforts in this area, that has helped. People want to support us. My assistant is a College for Creative Studies graduate, and I want to continue to train students locally who have a passion for fibers and sustainability around textiles. I want to keep all of that within the Detroit ecosystem. Q: What are the barriers you have faced operating sustainably as a smaller company? A: The inability to work as quickly as we’d like. Also, the dyes I mentioned. Some only last two to three weeks, so we try to print as much as we can in a few sessions before the vat goes bad. Organic materials can be unstable. You constantly must keep them fresh. Q: What is your advice to other design/textile companies like yours when it comes to sourcing locally to help the economy and be more sustainable? A: I believe in collaboration, especially with local schools and universities. I think sticking to a local pipeline of talent is important. I work as an adjunct at CCS, and it’s really been useful to me to bounce ideas off of others. My advice is to never work in a silo – build a community. To that end, I belong to a couple of community printmakers in the area and have been deeply

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$129M From IRA Boosts Michigan’s Wind, Solar Plans

According to an announcement made by the state and federal governments in July, Michigan is set to receive a significant financial boost to aid in the expansion of large wind and solar projects. Specifically, $129 million in federal funds has been designated to streamline the processes involved in siting, zoning, and permitting large-scale renewable energy installations. This initiative aligns with the state’s goal to rapidly decarbonize its electric grid over the next decade. The funding, part of a $4.3 billion allocation being distributed across the United States, is sourced from the 2022 federal Inflation Reduction Act’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program. SBN Detroit interviewed Joel Howrani Heeres, director of community resilience at Public Sector Consultants, who also was Detroit’s first sustainability director, for his thoughts regarding how the money should and will be spent, potential challenges, geographical impact, and other topics. Q: Michigan recently received $129 million in federal funding to advance large wind and solar projects. How do you see it being allocated and what are the biggest priorities to address in terms of large wind and solar? A: I think that the state is rightfully deploying this money to help incentivize local governments to permit solar and wind projects within their boundaries. We have a very aggressive goal to achieve as a state – 60% renewable energy by 2030. The funds provide a significant incentive for communities to host renewable energy infrastructure, offering up to $5,000 per megawatt. Rural areas often lack the resources and personnel needed to review permits and manage other aspects of developing this infrastructure. This financial support will be instrumental in helping these communities navigate the complexities involved in such projects. Q: The funding comes from the Federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program, created by the Inflation Reduction Act. Can you tell us more about this and its specific influence in Michigan? A: The CPRG is one of the first grant programs to enable both planning and implementation to address climate change. There is funding allocated for metropolitan areas above a certain size. To me, this regional approach makes a lot of sense. Emissions don’t stop at city boundaries. For example, there are many heavy industries on the Detroit/Melvindale border that impact that whole area and beyond. Taking a regional approach and also statewide grants have been used to help EGLE do their planning as well. I was disappointed to see that Michigan’s metro areas did not get implementation money from this grant, but accelerating renewables throughout the state is important. Q: What are the challenges that come with such large-scale complex projects in Michigan? A: First, local permitting and project development. The amount of land required for renewable energy installations presents another challenge, especially in rural areas where agricultural land is at a premium. Convincing these communities to accept large renewable installations, particularly when the power generated is likely to be consumed elsewhere, can be difficult. Discussing the benefits and costs of hosting these installations has become a political issue. Communities want to see tangible benefits and are reluctant to give up their land without adequate compensation. Thus, providing financial incentives to these communities could be an effective approach. Another important consideration is determining, from a grid perspective, the most strategic locations to connect these large installations to ensure efficient power transmission. Q: Is there a long runway with projects like this from an execution and timeline standpoint? A: Yes, there is. The process from conceptualization to actual ground-breaking involves numerous steps. This includes navigating the political landscape, such as public hearings and potential opposition. Additionally, there are essential stages like securing permits and installing infrastructure. Each of these components requires considerable time and careful planning. Q: Is there a geographical component? What areas of Michigan will be most impacted? A: Rural areas will be impacted the most. Beyond that, I don’t think there will be geographic concentration, I think it will spread across the state. Q: Do you foresee local opposition from Michiganders regarding these projects, and, if so, what are your thoughts on how to address this? A: Yes. Just the other day I was driving through Washtenaw County and saw signs that read “No Industrial Solar.” The focus returns to the tangible benefits of these installations. It is essential for people to see clear advantages. For instance, if a local government receives $5,000 per megawatt to enhance local services — funds that would not have been available otherwise — it can help alleviate some of the opposition to these projects. This financial support can be directed toward improving community services, thereby showcasing the positive community benefits of the installations. Q: Federal money will also flow to workforce development programs. What are your thoughts on how these projects may boost the economy and put people in jobs? A: It’s a crucial aspect of our current situation. We are undergoing a significant energy transition, shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, which represents a fundamentally different model. This transition requires Michiganders to acquire new skills to compete in the emerging green economy. Additionally, we’re moving toward the electrification of everything. By producing clean energy, we can electrify our homes, cars, and various aspects of our lives, as it all comes from a sustainable source. There is a critical need to retrain workers from the fossil fuel sector to participate in the electrified economy. Significant investments are being made in this area. Ultimately, this is a comprehensive ecosystem, and these changes will impact labor across all sectors. Q: What other ancillary benefits can we expect to accompany the execution of these projects? A: As we transition more of the energy load to cleaner technology, we’ll have less localized pollution, leading to statewide public health benefits. Additionally, there’s a significant potential for economic development. Michigan stands out as one of the most proactive states in terms of climate ambitions, which could attract industries seeking to operate on green power. Whether it’s tech companies, manufacturing firms, or other businesses, the state’s commitment to sustainability

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EV Infrastructure Has Funding – When Will There Be Stations?

Three years ago, under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Congress allocated $5 billion in federal funding to establish the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. This initiative aims to develop charger networks across each state to support electric vehicles (EVs). Of this funding, $110 million was earmarked for Michigan, covering the period through fiscal year 2026. However, the state has not yet seen the installation of any new power stations. As part of this effort, Red E Charging LLC – an EV infrastructure developer and charging network based in Detroit – has been awarded several NEVI contracts to install and manage in Michigan and a number of other states. SBN Detroit interviewed Red E Charging Founder Abass El-Hage about the timeline, barriers, and factors specific to Michigan regarding power station installation. Q: Since the announcement in 2021 of the $5 billion in federal funding just 11 EV stations have been installed across seven states, with none in Michigan to date. From your perspective, why is this? A: There are several reasons. First, this is a new process and it took time to get organized, generate RFPs, and kick it off. RFPs were published at the end of last year and contracts were awarded early this year. Setting up the necessary paperwork is tedious and time-consuming, and around public funds, there is just a lot of due diligence required. There are also multiple and varied requirements around bonding that can take another six months to sort out. Identifying appropriate locations for the charging stations with the right amenities on the property that’s willing to host can be time-consuming. On top of that, regardless of how long the paperwork takes, working with the utilities and getting the right equipment and resources in place can take six months to a year. It’s simply an arduous process that takes time. Q: Do the requirements vary from state to state? A: Yes. Every state is different when it comes to execution under NEVI.  In Texas and New Mexico, the NEVI process is pretty straightforward, but Texas has issues with utilities that can slow things down. I would say Michigan is the middle of the road. And the biggest hurdle here is the strict bonding requirements. Not every state requires bonding, but Michigan requires a five-year bond that’s not run of the mill. Q: Outside of NEVI projects, is every state different? A: Yes. Incentives are different in every state. Utilities are different. In Michigan, we are lucky to have DTE and Consumers Energy. They have been helpful and proactive, and they facilitate a lot. EGLE (Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy) and the EPA have been helpful in Michigan as well, helping to create infrastructure in off-highway locations that are still easily accessible at reasonable rates. Q: In Michigan, are the challenges different in the Upper Peninsula compared with the Lower Peninsula? A: Yes. With every project there are financials, and in the UP there are fewer people, there is less traffic, and therefore less charger usage. It’s harder to justify a project when you don’t make the money back as fast. Additionally, utilities in the Upper Peninsula impose demand charges, which are flat fees added to the electric bill. These charges can be quite substantial. When considering these costs, the financial viability of a project often becomes questionable. Q: How do you view the transition from gas to electric vehicles being understood and received by the public? A: It’s a mixed bag. I think there is still a stigma around charging and how difficult and inconvenient it could be. It’s a misconception in my opinion. I drive from Detroit to Chicago regularly and along that route, I can stop to charge just like stopping for gas. Also, I think there’s been mixed messaging to the public by the auto industry – especially here in Detroit. When there are recalls, or if an automaker commits to building x amount of EVs and then scales back, this sends mixed signals to the public. Q: How many contracts in Michigan has Red E Charging been awarded and what is the status? A: We’ve been awarded 12 NEVI contracts all over the state and an additional 60 fast charger projects across the state for EGLE and utilities. As I explained, the paperwork along with bonding requirements plus environmental approvals, site checks, and more make this a slow process. But we have notice to proceed and are moving forward with the first few now, so these will be underway. The actual installation takes just about two weeks. We were also awarded a project outside of NEVI with the City of Detroit to install public-facing chargers throughout the city. Q: Michigan aims to have enough infrastructure for 2 million EVs on the roads by 2030. Do you think this is possible? A: Yes, I think it can happen. DTE and Consumers Energy are very helpful when it comes to single-family and multifamily homes. It’s cost-effective to have a charger at your home. That drive from Chicago to Detroit I talked about … I think by the end of the year there will be chargers every 20 miles or so, eliminating any planning needed because people will feel confident they can stop whenever they need a charge. I think in the near future the logistics involved in an EV experience will be no different than driving a gas-powered vehicle. It’s just a different thing fueling the car.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

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Using Data to Create a Greener Bottom Line

Established in 2022 in Detroit by William Crane, OrbAid is dedicated to – in his words – helping companies build greener bottom lines. The company sells AI-based project management software that provides data and recommends actions to help companies prioritize projects that increase profits and environmental impact. SBND interviewed Crane about the current landscape for businesses navigating sustainability projects. Q: What are some of the biggest challenges you see businesses facing when it comes to sustainability? A: There are a number of challenges and some macro trends that stand out. When we look at the largest publicly traded businesses globally, they’ve made public commitments when it comes to their sustainability goals, and have included these in their SEC Filings. Many, if not most, of these companies have a significant gap between their goals and their current progress. The effort required to close this gap is substantial and poses a considerable challenge in itself. Second is the continuous improvement aspect and the time and resources this involves. For example, a company may have a goal to decrease emissions by 10% year over year for the next ten years. Planning for its longevity is a challenge. Automotive suppliers are under significant pressure. One of our customers, Prism Plastics, is particularly challenged by increasingly stringent customer sustainability requirements, and suppliers don’t have a long runway to become compliant. Further, with new government regulations taking effect in the EU and US, companies can face extreme fines and there are rigorous legal ramifications. Both customers and governments are shifting their sustainability expectations from pollution reporting to business greening. Often, companies have sustainability teams composed of employees who are already filling other roles, making it a part-time effort at best. These teams might generate ten ideas for green projects when, realistically, they need 10,000. Also, the sequencing and prioritization of projects is a challenge. Determining the most efficient and effective projects and initiatives to put into place – and in what order – is necessary to be able to sustain continuous improvement. Q: Sequencing of projects – what does this mean exactly and how does that play into a company’s sustainability planning? A: Companies have the best intentions of course, but taking on projects in a strategic order will help to remain profitable. For example, a global manufacturing company might decide to put solar panels on all of their factories across the country or the world. That is not a bad thing, but maybe that project is more expensive and has a longer payback than switching select supplier disposable cardboard boxes to returnable metal racks. Sustainability is a long game, and as I said, most large companies have continuous improvement demands year over year, so it’s about strategically sequencing the projects to remain profitable while meeting goals. Technology can help here. Leaning into AI to sort out the sequencing can be a game changer. Q: Where are companies most often missing opportunities to be more sustainable and increase profits? A: The practical and actionable stuff. There is so much pressure surrounding sustainability. It’s been politicized. There is consumer angst around it. There are stringent government regulations as I mentioned. And people naturally go to extremes. It’s back to the idea of large global manufacturers putting solar panels on all of their factories around the world. This is an enormous and expensive project. Not to say that’s not something they should do at some point, but perhaps first, companies can look at creating less trash, using less water, and converting to different materials in their manufacturing. By doing these things they can save time and money and help the environment. It’s a matter of prioritizing projects and not just throwing a Hail Mary and hoping things work out. There are a number of very practical projects that can be taken on and absorbed that in the end will help businesses be more profitable – and keep them profitable along the way. We’ve been able to help many companies in this way, including GM, Prism Plastics, Berkshire Hathaway, and more. Q: Are these hurdles changing over time? Evolving? A: Yes, when it comes to sustainability things are always evolving. We continue to face changes in regulation. I think 2025 will be an inflection point. If companies don’t comply with regulations the fines will be astronomical. Also, the science and the jargon can be confusing. But consumers are more educated than ever before and also more demanding when it comes to their sustainability expectations of companies. Q: What are some examples of sustainability projects for businesses that you have seen increase profitability? A: Product packaging is a big one. Take appliance companies like Whirlpool. Historically, an appliance gets delivered to a home and you are left with a lot of cardboard and styrofoam. Switching to renewable materials can translate to savings. We are seeing some really creative innovations in packaging materials like fungus-based inserts that are organic and naturally break down. Q: How do you think AI can impact local businesses in terms of sustainability? A:  AI is an efficient tool. It can be used to quickly – yet deeply tailor actionable profitable sustainability projects that deliver results. It can be used to calculate the environmental impact and business profit to get better, faster results.   Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on sustainable business practices in and around Detroit.

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